My name is on everything we do, on purpose and we do some of the finest Ottawa home renovations. Our work at MKDB is based on harmony & honor and we tend to attract clients who share them. Our business model is based on caring for you, our planet and ourselves and we see them as mutually harmonious aspirations. We’re always focused on harmony in our designs, relationships and evolution of work and creations. We honor you and ourselves by creating homes that are truly nourishing and beautiful and conduct our business and craft with integrity, respect and compassion. We encourage living a little more lightly by incorporating green building practices, making the small feel spacious and giving back to our community.
Our clients are visionary just like us and we’re committed to co-creating homes they love and that love them back. In the west we’re pretty comfortable from a material standpoint any way. Wanting can be a bottomless pit, like trying to quench our thirst with salt water, and stuff is at best a fleeting happiness. When I seek what is true and intrinsically of value in all this want, it’s the desire to have a home, and for this home to be a place of nourishment, fortifying us so we can give more to our world and refuge. Such a place needs to be harmoniously designed and built to last with healthy materials for us and the planet.
[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’45’ color=’#fca300′ background_color=” border_color=”]B[/dropcaps]Beauty is perhaps the most sustainable element there is, for we treasure it and want to protect it. There’s an intrinsic delight and value in creating beauty, and tapping into natural harmonies. It is truly uplifting and wonderful to build something that lasts using precious resources in a conscientious, respectful and responsible way. To build something delightful that works really well. To rise to the design challenge and ask what does this intrinsically want to be and be carried to a place of harmony and inspiration, is what I love about this work. And like this home we co-create together, my business evolves into a place of harmony and refuge, supporting everyone who works with us to give more to our world.
Permaculture, a delightful design principle, is applicable to anything, one’s business, economics and especially the raising of children. For me it starts with the question of what does this thing want to be? It’s not really as groovy as it sounds, it’s more about tapping into the natural flow and path of least resistance in a multiple bottom line sense. Meaning, accounting for profit the traditional bottom line but also our contribution and impact on the community and environment. I feel an enlightened kind of capitalism that is held accountable on all these levels would turn it all around and create a more equitable and kind world.
When we start to value kindness and contribution as a currency, almost like we do money, when we can equate a value to it on the scale of corporations, this blind greed would be tempered and our economies would blossom. This is what I would be exploring if I was working on a PhD in economics, which I’m not and likely won’t. I do aspire to model it in my business and focus my volunteer energies in this area often. Most recently as a design mentor for HUB Ottawa – Part of Hub World – a global ecosystem of 5000+ social entrepreneurs and innovators in 28 cities, Hub Ottawa is a new multi-disciplinary social innovation studio located in downtown Ottawa.
One of the films I want to make is about how socially responsible business can be healing the world. When people see that they can make money doing the right thing it’s all going to turn around – in fact, it’s already happening. People want to do business with ethical companies and business needs to catch up. We’ve always done it this way at Moneca Kaiser Design Build, my name is on everything we do. My word is my pledge. I have always taken business very personally and from the first day I have simply wanted to do business nicely. My vision is for Moneca Kaiser Design Build to evolve into something much bigger than just me. Something that truly reflects the sum, the exponential sum of all these brilliants parts, into a company that continues to tap into universal harmonies and model what having it all looks like in the best sense.
Meaningful work, in harmony with our values, that supports our people who work with us, our clients and our planet.
What I love about permaculture is that it encourages our designs to spring forth from the question, “What does this (home, daycare center, garden, policy) intrinsically want to be?” So we begin from a place of respect, observation and humility. Next comes, “What relationships need to be cultivated to nurture this along.” And not only between people and communities or entities but the way people who have lived in more harmony with nature or even as Jung, who acknowledged an animation or spirit to everything.
Now I invite you to imagine how amazing the development of the little piece of land could be if you start from this place of humility and wonder and what might grow or emerge from such benign intention.
24 hour emergency service. Front office hours M – F 7:00 – 4:00