Burn Ban Proclomation

September 22, 2020

(UPDATE: Burn ban has been extended an additional week (7 days) until October 15th.)

WHEREAS, Franklin County, Indiana is immediately threatened by a natural disaster-specifically county wide drought conditions, and;

WHEREAS, as of the 22th day of September, 2020 at 12:00 hours we find that Franklin County to be at risk of widespread fire hazards because of the ongoing drought conditions and;

WHEREAS, a Countywide bum ban affecting certain activities is an appropriate public safety response to the fire hazards presented by the current drought conditions;

NOW THEREFORE, we, the Franklin County Board of Commissioners, declare, pursuant to the provisions ofIC 10-14-3-29, that a state of emergency exists in the County and that we hereby invoke and declare those portions of the Indiana Code which are applicable to the conditions and have caused the issuance of this proclamation, to be in full force and effect in the County for the exercise of all necessary emergency authority for protection of the lives and property of the people of Franklin County.

We also declare that, effective immediately, the following activities are prohibited in Franklin County:

1. campfires and other recreational fires, unless enclosed in a fire ring.

2. open burning of any kind using conventional fuel such as wood, or other combustible matter, with the exception of grills fueled by charcoal briquettes or propane;

3. the burning of debris, such as timber or vegetation, including such debris that results from building construction activities.

Burning will be allowed in bum barrels with a 1/4 in mesh top from dawn to dusk only.

Charcoal from permitted grills shall not be removed from the grills until the charcoal has been thoroughly extinguished.

In addition, we strongly encourage our residents to attend public displays of fireworks and limit their personal use of fireworks to those that do not leave the ground, and that they refrain from using aerial firework devices.

Reference is hereby made to all appropriate laws, statutes, ordinances and resolutions, and particularly to Section 10-14-3-29 of the Indiana Code.


All public offices and employees of Franklin County are hereby directed to exercise the utmost diligence in the discharge of the duties required of them for the duration of the emergency and in execution of emergency laws, regulations, and directives whether state or local.

All residents are called upon and directed to comply with necessary emergency measures, to cooperate with public officials and disaster services forces in executing emergency operations plans, and to obey and comply with the lawful directions of properly identified officers.

All operating forces will direct their communications and requests for assistance and operations directly to the Emergency Operations Center.

This burn ban shall be in force until October 15, 2020 unless rescinded by the Franklin County Commissioners and may be extended 7 days if necessary.

In witness, whereof, we have hereunto set our hands this 22nd day of September 2020.
