Snow Emergency Information

(excerpt from County Snow Emergency Ordinance 2011-31)

“Snow Emergency”:  A transportation emergency caused by winter weather conditions including ice, freezing rain, sleet, snow, blowing
and drifting snow and/ or blizzards; a condition declared to be such by the Board of Commissioners of Franklin County, Indiana or their authorized representative. 
Snow Emergencies include the following levels.

Level I    “Advisory”

County roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow.  Roads may also be icy.  Driving should be with caution.

Level II   “Watch”

County roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow.  Only those who feel it is necessary to drive should be using county roadways. Employees should contact their employers to determine whether or not to report to work.

Level III    “Warning”

All county roadways are closed to non-emergency personnel. No one should be using county roadways unless it is absolutely necessary to travel. All employees should contact their employers to determine if they should report to work.  Those traveling on county roadways may subject themselves to fines, penalties, and other prosecution.

*note* during a Level III all government offices are closed
